“However much we know about birth in general, we know nothing about a particular birth. We must let it unfold with its own uniqueness.”

- Elizabeth Noble

jessamyn kear birth doula postpartum doula childbirth classes infant massage classes woodland hills


A birth doula supports pregnant and birthing mothers physically, spiritually and emotionally. By providing prenatal sessions, in-person birth support and time together postpartum, I am able to accompany new mothers through the majority of their childbearing experience. Learn more about the support I offer by clicking the button below.

jessamyn kear birth doula postpartum doula childbirth classes infant massage classes woodland hills


As a certified childbirth educator and infant massage instructor, I help parents learn the evidence-based fundamentals of all that occurs during the childbearing year. Learn more about the private, group, in-person and virtual offerings I have for expecting parents when you click the button below.

jessamyn kear birth doula postpartum doula childbirth classes infant massage classes woodland hills


Infant massage is a beautiful way to bond with your baby while also providing soothing touch. Massage can be used as a daily ritual as well as a problem-solving touch technique that provides relief from common newborn discomforts, including colic. Learn more at the link below.